Generally, you can pay with your Bilderlings card in most places where debit cards with Mastercard logo are accepted. But, if you’re planning on taking your card abroad, check the lists below for countries where you won’t be able to use it:
Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) or North Korea, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, The Crimea Region, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, South Sudan, Yemen, Palestine, Ethiopia, Russia, Somalia, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.
In Belarus, using a Bilderlings Mastercard for payments and cash withdrawals at ATMs is not prohibited; however, some local banks are under sanctions, and therefore transactions may be refused at payment terminals or ATMs.
Online payments
You can use your Bilderlings card to make online payments, too. For some online payments, you’ll be asked to approve the payment from your Bilderlings app, or using a voice password and code sent by SMS. This is called a 3D Secure (3DS) online payment and is an added level of security some websites ask for. Once you approve, your payment will go through as normal.
Some websites only accept locally issued cards. So if your online payment gets declined, that might be why.
Voice password can be checked in personal account or in app:
Go to Cards
Choose a Card
Select Card Info
Usually the password is hidden
Select Show on Voice password (to view the password)
if you want to change Choose Change and enter the new password
SMS code will be sent to the phone number registered for the Card under the Voice password. You can change the phone number for receiving the SMS code by selection Update.
Go Account& cards
Choose a Card
Select About
Open Card Info
Usually the password is hidden
Select Show on Voice password (to view the password)
if you want to change Choose Change and enter the new password
SMS code will be sent to the phone number registered for the Card under the Voice password. You can change the phone number for receiving the SMS code by selection Update.
Some websites might check additional verification providing the billing address. If provided address doesn't match the payment gets declined.
You always can check actual billing address in your Personal account or in app.
Go to Cards
Choose a Card
Select Billing address
if you want to change Choose Update and update new address
Go Account& cards
Choose a Card
Select About open Billing address
if you want to change Choose Update and update new address.
Cash withdrawals
You can also withdraw cash from most ATMs — except the countries specified for card transactions. If you don’t know of any ATM near you, just use the Mastercard ATM locator to find one.